I share my water with who?

In Coastal Delaware we share our soil and water in ways that most of us do not realize.  

     Did you know? 

     *  Groundwater starts about 10 feet below the surface and often mixes with water miles away? 

    *  Water soluble material applied for farming and landscaping enters the groundwater, migrates long distances, mixes with streams and ponds and enters our public water supply? 

Coming soon, we will cover: What chemicals are out there already?   What happens when we add chemicals to the lawn?  We will include PFAS, Ammonium-nitrate, microplastics, herbicides and insecticides.  If you want to learn the answers sooner – join the Seagrove Garden Club!  

Seagrove Garden Club 



Public Water Supply - DNREC 


We invented it. Why is PFAS in our water?